16.5 C
Perşembe, Mayıs 9, 2024


Son 4 yılın ikisinde net ihracatın büyümeye katkısı negatif

Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi (TİM), “Ekonomi ve Dış Ticaret Raporu” hazırladı. Rapora göre son 4 yılın ikisinde net ihracatın büyümeye katkısının negatif olduğunu TİM Başkanı, “Net ihracata dayalı daha hızlı büyümeler için ihracatta katma değerin arttırılması gerekir” dedi.

IAEA provides nuclear-related technology to countries affected by Zika

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is providing nuclear-related technology to countries affected by the Zika virus in Latin America and the Caribbean.

FAO teamed up with four Nobel Peace Prize laureates

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) teamed up with four Nobel Peace Prize laureates to form an alliance in order to build a relationship that understands and reinforces the fact that peacebuilding and food security go hand-in-hand.

Bu gidişle esnaf kalmayacak

Son bir yılda 79 bin esnaf kepenk kapattı. Şubat ayı itibariyle son bir yıl içinde yüzde 3,9 oranında gerileyen esnaf sayısı, 2 milyon 28 binden 1milyon 949 bine geriledi.

Thanks to PSMA agreement illegal fishing is about to become much difficult

Now that the required threshold has been reached, with 30 Members having formally deposited their instruments of adherence, the count down to the entry into force of the PSMA is underway and on 5 June 2016 the world's first ever binding international accord specifically targeting IUU fishing will become international law.

U.S. Calls for Completing Investment Treaty Talks With China

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday called on the United States and China, the world's two largest economies,to wrap up their investment treaty talks by the end of this year.

Agricultural sector could help Tehran, Baku to limit dependence on oil

Agricultural sector could play a key role in the economy of Iran and Azerbaijan as both countries need to become less dependent on oil as far as government revenues go, an Iranian minister said.

Get to know about Indonesian Halal Cuisine

Muslim population in Indonesia is up to 88% from its total 270 million people. So it's not surprising that the majority of Indonesian cuisine is halal food.

Baku to host conference of International Association of Ports, Harbors in 2018

Baku will host the annual conference of the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), which has more than 300 members from 88 countries, said the message of the Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC May 17.

IMF vows to support economic reforms in Iran

First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) David Lipton has wrapped his three-day visit to Tehran ensuring Iranian officials that the international monetary body will give support to reform efforts in the Islamic Republic.

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