23.8 C
Perşembe, Nisan 18, 2024

food prices

Conflicts and weather patterns strain food security

High levels of food insecurity persist in the world, due largely to conflicts and to adverse climatic shocks that are taking a toll, particularly in East African and Near East countries, where large numbers of people continue to be in need of humanitarian assistance, a new FAO report notes.

Agriculture has big role to play in curbing greenhouse gas emissions

The pledge to eradicate hunger and poverty must go hand in hand with rapid transformations of farming and food systems to cope with a warmer world, FAO said in a new report.

Inflation up, exports down

2016 started with two pieces of data being released that signify worrying times ahead for the Turkish economy. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased by 1.8 percent in January and yearly inflation reached 9.6 percent, ranking Turkey among the top high-inflation...
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